
Mercury In The Second House In Vedic Astrology (Mercury In 2nd House) | ...

When a native has planet Mercury placed in the second house, his intellect is a great tool for any kind of financial enterprise. Their mind is structured in such a way that they simply know how to make money, and can easily find windows in the system to grab and get some. Usually, this ability is developed through reading a lot; such individuals will spend a lot of time and money on books, software, tutorials, and education. They are able to thoroughly analyze the data they receive and are excellent in anything that has to do with numbers. They can become great accountants; if Mercury is afflicted, then there are possibilities of them using their powers in a mischievous way. A Mercurian mind can find how to use the system for their benefit, and will not hesitate to indulge into economic fraud if the chances of being caught are low. After all, the Greek God Hermes (Latin: Mercury) was also the god-protector of thieves.

People with Mercury in the house of possessions can gain a lot of money through stocks, as they have great intuition about when to buy and when to sell. In case that Mercury is somehow connected to the 5th house by sign rulership or by a trine aspect to some planets, then he will have success in any kind of speculative profession. This aspect brings dangers of becoming a sheer materialist, and the native is strongly advised to invest his time on spiritual pursuits also, otherwise his whole life will not have any higher purpose than material success. As Mercury is the planet of communications, people who have the planet placed in the 2nd house are very good in making money through the phone, the internet or generally through their written or spoken words. They have a great memory, which helps them organize the amassed knowledge and experience in their minds. Their brain is a well-working computer which becomes better and better, through upgrading its software and algorithms during the passage of time. In many situations, the answers to problems in their business are already inside their head and they do not need the help of others. For them, business is an interesting puzzle waiting to be resolved, and a great amount of time will be invested for this purpose. Even when they are adults, they feel happy like children when finding the right way to solve their career riddles. They must always be careful not to become egoistic, spoiled adults, that care only about these riddles.

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